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2001 Traffic Calming Protocol Manual



This Traffic Calming Protocol Manual (TCPM) is​ intended to function as a planning and design manual for engineers, planners, developers, and local residents who have an interest in traffic calming within the MOA and desire to know more about the proper applicability, geometric design, planning and public involvement, procedures, and effectiveness of traffic calming improvements.  Click here to view the Traffic Calming Protocol Manual.


2016 Traffic Calming Policy Manual

The 2016 Traffic Calming Policy Manual (TCPM) serves as the Department's updated public policy on the installation of traffic calming on streets operated/maintained by the MOA in response to concerns raised by Anchorage residents. It, as well, provides information for local elected officials and MOA residents on the approach that the Traffic Department takes in its decision-making to lead to a conclusion whether traffic calming is, or is not, recommended - based upon measured traffic volume speeds - in response to citizen concerns brought to our attention.

Information is provided about the various types of traffic calming measures: temporary or permanent, our public involvement and changes in our public concurrence process, and the effectiveness in speed reductions that we - and other public agencies across the United States - have seen.

Portions of the previous edition of  our traffic calming policy manual became outdated when some measures were removed as a result of staffing reductions, and the short-term interruption in the staffing of the traffic calming program itself.

Many 'surface' streets in the MOA are operated and maintained by the State of Alaska DOT. The DOT does not have a Traffic Calming program - and the MOA is not able to accept/evaluate requests for traffic calming on that agency's roads. Please refer to the Road Ownership Map here.  

Click here to download the 2016 Traffic Calming Policy Manual.

Click here to download the 2016 Traffic Calming Policy Manual Errata and Clarifications

Alaska Traffic Manual Supplement and Alaska Sign Design Specifications

Alaska Traffic Manual Supplement

Alaska Sign Design Specifications

Safe Routes To Schools Manual


The Safe Routes To Schools Manual is prepared annually by the Municipal Traffic Department. The purpose of the manual is to assist students that walk to school or to a bus stop in following the safest and best route.

Safe walking routes are vital for the students of Anchorage and Eagle River and each child should study the map that applies to them and utilize the recommended walking routes when necessary.

Parents and teachers alike should encourage students to utilize the recommended walking route, cross only at designated crossings, and become aware of traffic signals and other traffic controls. Click here for information on how to  download the manual or individual school walking route maps.


 School Area Traffic Safety Manual


The School Area Traffic Safety Manual (SATSM) acts as the Municipality of Anchorage's supplement to the Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the State's Alaska Traffic Manual Supplement (ATMS) for the methods by which the MOA will evaluate, sign, mark and provide other traffic control devices in school zones on Municipal and State roads. The manual also includes the evaluation process that the Municipal Traffic Engineer will use in identifying candidate locations for marked crosswalks, reduced speed school zones, and other school area related traffic safety devices. 


2016 Annual Traffic Report

Annual traffic data is compiled and statistical analysis is performed for all information gathered along roads or trails within the Municipality of Anchorage. The Data Section uses this information to create and publish the Annual Traffic Report.

Information contained within the report is used to evaluate and determine proper techniques for meeting transportation needs within the municipality such as: traffic safety improvements, transportation planning, and optimal signal operations.  The information can also be used to determine locations where redesign could possibly decrease the number of traffic collisions.

Private Street General Guidelines


Private Road Sign ExampleThe Municipality of Anchorage Traffic Department has established the following guidelines for the production and installation of a ‘private’ street sign. Click here to view the Private Street General Guidelines. 


Hillside Sub-Area Transportation Study

The Final Draft Hillside Sub-Area Transportation Study, October 2006 is available to download here.

This document contains several large graphics. In an effort to make your reviews more accessible, we have limited the number of graphics to two seperate downloads (see below). These two files illustrate the recommended road and trail connections. If you would like a copy of the complete study including the other 9 graphics, please contact the Traffic Department at 343-8406.

The following graphics from the study are available to download:

Proposed Road Network

Proposed Multi-Use Unpaved Trails

State Farm Intersection Safety Studies

The Municipality of Anchorage (MOA), the Alaska Department of Transportation, and the State Farm Mutual Insurance Companies have identified the intersections of Lake Otis Parkway at Tudor Road, New Seward Highway at Fireweed Lane, Old Seward Highway at Dimond Boulevard, New Seward Highway at 36th Avenue, and Northern Lights Boulevard at Boniface Parkway as intersections that have relatively poor safety records, and might benefit from intersection safety reviews.

The goals of the intersection safety reviews are to analyse the subject intersections, identify traffic safety problems (if any), develop strategic solutions to the identified problems, evaluate the technically feasible solutions, and recommend appropriate actions. The study method followed a systematic process to review physical, traffic, collision and conflict characteristics, and to generate and evaluate improvement options.

Click here to download the State Farm Intersection Safety Studies Report (PDF).

Knik Arm Crossing Municipality Comments

Marked Crosswalk Installation Bulletin

Marked Crosswalk Installation Bulletin

Children at Play Policy


  Municipal Traffic Department 'Children at Play' sign policy

Handicap Parking Sign Detail


Municipal Traffic Department Handicap Parking Sign Detail​

​Humps Vs. Bumps FAQs 


  Municipal Humps Vs Bumps FAQ


Parking Restrictions Policy


  Municipal Traffic Department Parking Restrictions policy


Special Needs Children Sign Policy


  Municipal Traffic Department 'Special Needs Children' sign policy


Speed Limit Policy


  Municipal Traffic Department Speed Limit sign policy


Stop Sign Policy


  Municipal Traffic Department Stop Sign policy


Drug Free School Zone Sign Revision

Drug Free School Zone sign revision