​​​​​​​​​​​​​Heritage Land Bank​

​​​​Heritage Land Bank (HLB) is a self-supporting, non-tax based agency of the Municipality of Anchorage, with its own fund and advisory commission. Title 25 of the Anchorage Municipal Code (AMC), “Public Lands,” contains the statutes under which the HLB operates (AMC § 25.40).​ It is the mission of the Heritage Land Bank ​to ​​​​​manage uncommitted municipal land and th​e Heritage Land Bank Fund in a manner designed to benefit present and future residents of Anchorage, promote orderly development, and achieve the goals of the Comprehensive Plan (AMC § 25.40.010).​ The seven member HLBAC holds a public hearing prior to making advisory recommendations on proposed HLB actions to ​the Assembly. ​​HLBAC typically holds a regular monthly meeting on the 4th Thursday of each month.

NEXT HLB ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING: Thursday, October 24,​ at 1:30PM​​​
To join via Microsoft Teamclick this link to enter the ​mee​ti​ng​. ​
To join via telephone call 907-519-0237 and use conference ID 987 366 530​​#

Or join in-person at the Permit & Development Center, Conf. Room 170, 4700 Elmore Road, A​nchorage, Alaska 99507 (Follow green signs from the main lobby)​

Agenda ​

Packet (posted 10/18/2024)

Community members may provide public comment under Action Items or Items or Persons Not on the Agenda. Anyone wishing to provide public comment via email, telephone or Teams must email hlb@anchorageak.gov by 5:00 pm the day before the meeting. In the email, please provide your name, phone number, and the subject line should read “HLBAC Public Comment.” All members of the public on the Teams Meeting shall be muted until called on to speak. Those wishing to speak in-person do not need to sign up prior to the meeting. Should you need additional assistance or special modifications to participate, or if you have questions, please call the HLB office at 343-7536 or email hlb@anchorageak.gov.

2024 Meetings​
January 25, 2024: Agenda  Packet  Minut​es  Recording
February 22, 2024: Agenda  Packet  Minutes  Recording
March 28, ​2024: Meeting Cancelled
April 25, 2024​: Age​nda  P​acket  Minutes  Record​ing  ​
May 23, 2024: Agen​da  Pac​ket  Minutes  Recording
June 27, 2024: Meeting Cancelled
July 25, 2024: Meeting Cancelled​​
August 22, 2024: Agen​da  Packet  Recording
September 26, 2024: Meeting Cancel​led
October 24, 2024: Agenda
November 21, 2024​

2023 Meetings​
February 23, 2023: Agenda  Packet  Minutes  Recording ​​​
March 23, 2023: Agenda  Packet  Minutes  Recording
​​May 25, 2023: Agenda Packet  Minutes  Recording
June 22, 2023:​ ​ Agenda  Packet  Minutes  Recording
July 27, 2023: Agenda  Packet  ​Minutes  Recording
September 28, 2023: Agen​da  Packet  Minu​tes  Recording
October 26, 2023: Agenda  Packet  Minutes  Recording
​​November 16, 2023: Agenda  Packet  Minutes  Recording
December 14, 2023: Agenda  Packet  Minutes  Recording ​

2022 Meetings

January 27, 2022​: Agenda Recording Minutes​
February 24, 2022: Packet Minutes Recording
March 24, 2022: Packet  Minutes Recording
June 23, 2022:​Packet Minutes Recording​​​ ​
July 28, 2022: Agenda Packet Minutes Recording​
August 25, 2022: Agenda Packet Minutes Recording
September 22, 2022: Agenda Packet Recording Minutes
October 13, 2022​: Agenda Packet Recording Minutes
​October 27, 2022​​: Agenda Packet Minutes Recording
November 17, 2022: Agenda Packet Minutes Recording ​

For older meeting​ materials, please contact HLB at HLB@AnchorageAK.gov

For more information regarding HLB contact:   

Real Estate Department
Heritage Land Bank
4700 Elmore Road​
​Anchorage, AK 99507

​Phone: (907) 343-7536

Email: HLB@AnchorageAK.gov

​To join the HLB mailing list please email HLB@AnchorageAK.gov

Helpful Documents and Links:

* ​FOR SALE: Maui Industrial Lots
HLB Application for Permits and Disposals
HLB Parcel Map App
HLB Code Selections (pdf as of 09/2023)
​​* Anchorage Municipal​ Code - Title 25
* 2024 HLB Work Plan (approved May 7, 2024)
* Land Use Studies and Reports​ and Planning Publications
* ​HLBAC Commissioners and Application
