Anchorage 2020
Anchorage Bowl Comprehensive Plan

February 2001
Project Information Center
The Anchorage Bowl Comprehensive Plan, adopted by the municipal Assembly on February 20, 2001 and amended on September 10, 2002, is a blueprint for development in the Anchorage Bowl during the next 20 years.
Public Participation
The citizen involvement process that led to adoption of the Anchorage 2020 plan received the 2001 Public Education Award from the American Planning Association.
Documents for Review
The on-line version of Anchorage 2020 is located below. Printed copies of the plan can be purchased for $39 at the Planning Department and are also available for review at municipal libraries. An indexed CD version is available for purchase at the Planning Department for $5 over the counter or $10 if mailed (to cover postage and handling).
In addition, the public safety amendments to Anchorage 2020, adopted in September 2002, are located below, beneath the link to the appendix. These amendments incorporated a new section of Chapter 5 entitled "Public Safety Policies and Strategies," including three new policies (Policies 98, 99 and 100) and three new strategies in order to address public safety and emergency management.
Full Document:
Adopted Amendments:
​What's happened since adoption?
Since the plan was adopted, the Planning Department has focused on plan implementation. Major projects include:
- The first rewrite of the land use code (Title 21) in 30 years
- An update to the Comprehensive Plan's Anchorage Bowl Land Use Plan Map
- A new sign code
- Off-street parking standards
- A parks and open space plan