Mayor Bronson Introduces FY 2022 Budget

Budget Reflects Reduction in Spending While Protecting Core Services

Mayor's Office


Anchorage, AK ­– Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson today announced his proposed FY 2022 budget, which reflect his administration's sincere desire to steady the growth in government spending within the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) while balancing the needs of the community. 

“Upon taking office, my administration has been working to stabilize Anchorage's fiscal future to ensure we steady the growth in government spending, right size our services through efficiencies, and better delivery of government services to the taxpayers and the residents of Anchorage," said Mayor Bronson. “This budget reflects months of work across all departments to evaluate our programs and explore all possibilities to maximize savings. As a result, I sincerely believe we are on a strong glide path to a more effective and efficient MOA while maintaining the services Anchorage has grown to expect."

From 2016 to 2021, government spending has increased in the MOA by approximately 20%. In the same time period, the MOA Unassigned Fund Balance (the working capital/savings account which is used to pay the city's bills) went from a surplus of $18.1 million dollars to a deficit of $18.9 million dollars. During the same period the Municipality of Anchorage's population has decreased from 299,330 to 285,400 residents. The Bronson administration believes government should begin right-sizing unsustainable spending to reflect the decreases in population that have occurred in the MOA over the past decade.

“Now is the time to act, to eliminate the level of uncertainty Anchorage residents and taxpayers have felt for years. This budget is a call to action for us. I will continue to seek a decrease in government spending and seek to take the burden off the tax cap for all people of Anchorage, said Mayor Bronson.  “We don't want our children and grandchildren to have to pay the debts incurred today."

The 2022 proposed budget ($550M) achieves a $7.5 million dollar reduction in spending from the 2021 revised operating budget ($557.5M). These reductions were achieved by implementing efficiencies in operations and eliminating a number (53 total) of non-essential MOA positions, including 34 vacant positions and 19 currently occupied positions. People in positions subject to elimination will have the opportunity to obtain employment with the Municipality of Anchorage.

The Municipality of Anchorage will actively manage government spending and strive for continual efficiencies in operations on an ongoing basis.

Key items of interest in Mayor Bronson's 2022 budget:

  • Core services remain intact (police, fire, health, streets plowed)
  • A focused effort to reduce the debt that has incurred over the past five years
  • Reducing the property tax cap burden
  • Not issuing more debt than is being paid off
  • Reduction of government administration
  • Seeking federal reimbursements for previous disaster spending

Municipality of Anchorage Plan Moving Forward:

  • Maintaining the AAA bond rating
  • Eliminating unnecessary and burdensome government policies, regulations, and practices
  • Reducing the cost of government services to the taxpayers through the consolidation and streamlining of services.

“Our future is bright if we join together to create a government that embraces personal responsibilities and strong private sector economic growth, as well as maintaining continued vigilance to ensure the health and safety of our residents," said Mayor Bronson.

Click here for the Fiscal Year 2022​ Budget

​Media Contact: Corey Allen Young, Communications Director, Mayor's Office,, 907-229-4150


Revitalizing Anchorage FY 2022 Budget Sheet

MOA Unauthorized Fund Balance