Title 21 Rewrite Chapter 7 Section 3

Chapter 7 of the Title 21 Rewrite Project contains the development and design standards, including provisions about natural resource protection, open space, landscaping, parking, lighting, and building design. Section 3 of the chapter includes residential building design standards, public/institutional and commercial building design standards, and large commercial building design standards.

As the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Assembly Title 21 Committee review the public hearing draft of Chapter 7, planning staff provides the bodies with a variety of information, including responses to public comments, photos, and analysis of various provisions. The lists below contain the various documents provided to the two bodies during their review.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the planning department at 343-7921 or title21@muni.org.

Archived DocumentsArchived Documents
In the NewsIn the News
21-07PHD_SnowStorage_Amendments_for_Assy_Cmte_X_D.pdf26 KB
Assembly Cmte Doc 7.5 - Tall Buildings.pdf317 KB
Assy Cmte S Version of Commercial Standards for 4-13-10 Public Hearing.pdf127 KB
Combination version June 2010.doc74 KB
Large Commercial Standards--Comparison of Proposed and Current Code (7-4-C).pdf218 KB
Ossiander version.doc36 KB
PZC Recommended Amendments to Commercial Standards (7-4-A).pdf149 KB
PZC recommended version.doc75 KB
Snow Treatment Guidance Manual - Alternatives.pdf19 KB
Staff Memo to PZC with Commercial Standards (7-4-B).pdf591 KB
Staff proposal to PZC Fall 2009.doc73 KB
Staff Proposed Amendments to Commercial Design Standards (7-4-D).pdf45 KB
PZC Recommended Amendments to Chapter 14 (14-A).pdf364 KB
Staff Proposed Amendments to Chapter 14 for PZC.pdf357 KB