Anchorage Parks and Recreation

Town Square

Town Square Park

Town Square Advisory Group

Recognizing the importance of Town Square Park and its place in the Anchorage community, Mayor Mark Begich appointed a six-person advisory group to guide the design of future improvements to the park as well as help gather public input about any proposed changes. Members of the group include:

  • John Blaine, Executor of Ruth Moulton estate
  • Jeanne Devon, friend of Ruth Moulton
  • Ron Cupples, son of Avis Cupples
  • Nickel LaFleur, Anchorage Garden Club
  • Cheri Spink, Anchorage Downtown Partnership
  • Don Simmons, Rise Alaska (downtown business)

Project Scope

The tasks of the advisory group are:

  • Review and comment on the proposed improvements for the E and F Street projects.
  • Appropriately commemorate park founders and advocates Ruth Moulton, Avis Cupples, Shirley Brundage and the Anchorage Garden Club
  • Review potential improvements to the interior of the park that would complete the site design from the 1980s
  • Discuss the existing condition of the Town Square Bricks and make recommendations. Provide comments on the Bricks HERE.

Documents for Review

Town Square Park: Proposed Projects

View the existing conditions and proposed changes to Town Square Park. This 2-page document includes project descriptions

Town Square Park: Original Design Criteria (1988)

As we think about proposed changes to Town Square Park, it is important to keep in mind the original design criteria that were outlined by the original citizens design advisory committee for Town Square.

E St Project Information

The Town Square Advisory Group has unanimously passed this resolution regarding the E St project as it relates to Town Square Park.

Town Square Advisory Group Resolution; March 3, 2008

E St Public Participation Summary

For general information about the complete E Street Pedestrian Project, please visit the E St Project website.

Upcoming Public Outreach

March 10, 2008
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
6:30 PM
Loussac Library Assembly Chambers, 3600 Denali


March 13, 2008
Parks & Recreation Commission
6:00 PM
Spenard Recreation Center, 2020 W. 48th Ave


Information Submitted to Commissioners


We want to know what you think about this project!

If you have any questions, or would like to comment on the project, please contact Holly Spoth-Torres at 343-4585 or