Public Participation

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Citizen participation is the contemporary stand-in for the town meeting of early America. It is a formalized method to make possible a meaningful exchange of factual information, opinions, objectives, and alternatives between decision makers, proponents, and citizens.

We encourage your participation in the planning process. That is why we have created this space on our web site for you. Communicating your concerns and providing proposed solutions is the basis of effective citizen participation. In fact, your input is vital in helping formulate sound public policy.

Choose a link below to see information about that topic.

Who makes planning decisions?


  • When will the item be heard? - Agenda and Calendaring
  • Hearing
  • Motions and Voting
  • Lobbying

Planning and Zoning Commission

  • Hearings
  • Motions and Voting
  • Lobbying

Platting Board

  • Hearings
  • Motions and Voting
  • Lobbying

Zoning Board of Examiners and Appeals

  • Hearings
  • Motions and Voting
  • Lobbying

Check out what's going on in your neighborhood 

What can I do to make a difference?

  • Be informed
  • Become active
  • Participate in decision process

How do I find out about Planning Issues?

  • Notices
  • Why did my neighbor get a mailed notice and I didn't?

What types of meetings and hearings are held?

  • Legislative hearings
  • Regulatory hearings
  • Work sessions
  • Public meetings

What is Title 21?

If I want to testify what should I do?

  • Organizing your presentation​
  • Hearing Decorum