Anchorage Industrial Land Assessment 


The Anchorage Industrial Land Assessment Update is a technical report that: 

  • Evaluates current and projected market conditions (local and regional) to year 2030 for major industrial land uses, including utility and transportation-related uses.
  • Determines to what extent the land supply available for industrial development meets the projected need to year 2030 and beyond.
  • Updates and refine the policy suggestions of a previous industrial land assessment completed in 2009.   

This update to the 2009 industrial lands assessment was recommended by the Anchorage Commercial Land Assessment, a study completed in 2012.  The results of this study will provide information for other community planning efforts being undertaken by the Planning Department.  The study will also help inform decisions on municipal policies and strategies that seek to balance the needs of industrial with other essential land uses (e.g., residential, commercial, and institutional).  

Documents for Review