AFD Fire Prevention
The Anchorage Fire Department's Fire Prevention Division works closely with building owners and managers, design professionals, contractors, and event promotors to ensure a fire-safe environment where Anchorage's residents live, work, shop, go to school, and recreate.
Anchorage Fire Department conducts inspections as a deferred jurisdiction of the State of Alaska Fire Marshal's Office. Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, and Multi-family Residential Buildings may be inspected annually, or every other year based on occupancy and program resources.
As mandated by the State of Alaska, the Fire Prevention Division takes seriously our responsibility to ensure Anchorage's buildings are safe for your use. Fire Inspections are conducted prior to licensing of childcare and adult care or assisted living facilities. Premises where marijuana or alcohol are manufactured, sold, or consumed are also inspected prior to licensing. Hotels are inspected annually, and large indoor and outdoor events are required to be permitted and inspected prior to opening. Facilities that maintain hazardous materials are cataloged through our Community Right to Know (CRTK) Program. Mandatory fire protection system reporting ensures that fire systems in commercial and residential occupancies are inspected and maintained in proper working order.

Our Fire Plan Review Section works in concert with the Development Services Department. They review construction plans for code compliance with life-safety provisions, then conduct inspections as the buildings are constructed. They also review all fire protection systems. These systems are inspected and tested prior to acceptance to ensure they are installed to the applicable code requirements. The Fire Engineering Section is involved with code development both locally and nationally through the International Code Council, the National Fire Protection Association, and the National Fire Sprinkler Association.

The Anchorage Fire Department investigates every fire that occurs within our jurisdiction. Most of these are carried out by Company Officers. Our sole Fire Investigator gets involved for fires involving injuries or fatalities, large property loss fires, or fires suspected of having been intentionally set. The Fire Investigator is trained in the legal process and has attended a law enforcement academy. The Investigator works closely with other Law Enforcement agencies throughout the state. The Investigator processes the fire scene, gathers evidence, interviews witnesses, and prepares the case in conjunction with the Anchorage Police Department for presentation to the State Attorney for Criminal Prosecution.