​Title 21 Rewrite
Girdwood Regulations

The Assembly approved the Girdwood land use regulations (chapter 9 of Title 21) on November 1, 2005.  The new regulations took effect immediately.

Adopted Girdwood Land Use Regulations

Adopted Regulations in four sections for faster download:    

Pages 1-25    

Pages 26-50    

Pages 51-75    

Pages 76-100    

Pages 101-128


As part of the implementation of Anchorage 2020 – Anchorage Bowl Comprehensive Plan, the  Municipality of  Anchorage, Planning Department has hired Clarion Associates, a consulting firm from  Denver,  Colorado, to write a new land use code of regulations for the entire Municipality, with a chapter focusing specifically on regulations for Girdwood.  The purpose of the code rewrite is to modernize Anchorage's land use regulations to include development techniques and design standards; to make the code more useable and easier to understand; and to implement recently adopted plans and policies.

Throughout the project, the consultants will draw on comments and direction from the Municipal Assembly, Planning and Zoning Commission, Girdwood Land Use Committee, Girdwood Board of Supervisors, key stakeholders, municipal staff, and the general public.  The overall project, which began in spring 2002, is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2006.


Work on Title 22, the land use code specific to Girdwood, actually began a number of years ago.  Many Girdwood residents continue to participate in the process of developing land use regulations appropriate for an Alaskan resort community.

To facilitate completion of the project, the Planning Department contracted with Clarion Associates to add the Girdwood land use regulations to the Title 21 rewrite project.  Based on the consultants' recommendation, the regulations specific to Girdwood will no longer be in a separate title of the code, but will be included as a chapter of Title 21.