The annual report is prepared by the Municipal Traffic Department. The publication offers important information about: the department, roadway and trail volumes, speed studies, accident statistics, roadway information, locations of traffic features, and safety analyses ranking.
It is intended for informational purposes only.
The content is based on information available at the time of its creation; therefore, any action such as additions or corrections to any subsequently received data is not included in this report.
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2022 Edition
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A CD or hard copy may be obtained from the Traffic Department at 343-8406.
Note: The information that is provided on this web site is a property of the MOA. This report is not to be sold, or used in any process for resale as a value-added product, or otherwise distributed for profit in any form without expressed written consent of the Traffic Department. The MOA assumes no responsibility for any loss due to any computer or software generated problems associated with these files. It is the sole responsibility of the user to keep all files current with those on the web site. MOA will provide no technical support.