To connect our community with safe, reliable transportation options, emphasizing customer service while providing economic, social, and environmental benefits.
People Mover is a division of the Municipality of Anchorage's Public Transportation Department (PTD) and is the largest public transit provider in the State of Alaska.
Our buses hit the road on July 1, 1974 with 39,505 passengers hitching a ride during the first month. In 2008, People Mover set a ridership record of 4,220,667 trips that year. Today, each weekday, about 12,000 passengers enjoy a ride, boarding at one of our many bus stops in the greater Anchorage and Eagle River areas.
The People Mover fleet includes modern, accessible, comfortable buses that travel 2.1 million miles annually - that's almost 85 trips around the world.
AnchorRIDES is a shared ride service providing accessible transportation throughout the Anchorage Bowl in compliance with various local, state, and federal guidelines:
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Complementary paratransit service for people whose disabilities prevent them from using People Mover.
- Senior Citizen Transportation - Grant funded service for individuals age 60 and over for health care and pharmacy trip purposes and locations.
- HCB Medicaid Waiver - Transportation service for persons eligible for the Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver through the State of Alaska, Senior and Disabilities Services.
RideShare provides carpool group subsidies and oversight of COMMUTE with Enterprise, hired to manage and operate carpooling services for the Anchorage commute area. A carpool is a group of five or more riders who work and travel at agreed upon times, days and locations. Carpool members receive a variety of benefits in one low, monthly rate plus fuel costs.
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