People Mover Travel Training

About Travel Training

People Mover employs one full-time Travel Trainer. Travel Training is offered for customers with disabilities or without disabilities at no cost. Travel Training is an intensive short-term instruction intended to teach customers how to travel safely and independently on People Mover buses. The goal of Travel Training is to empower individuals to travel independently using the People Mover system.

Tested and street-proven, Travel Training is People Mover's preferred system for teaching an individual or group how to use the People Mover system.

Through our Travel Training programs we offer:

  • Presentations for staff training, organization meetings, workshops, and caregivers.
  • Free individual or group travel training to familiarize people with or without disabilities and senior citizens on how to use the People Mover system.

The program is self-paced. The trainer works with the participant to develop a training schedule that is tailored to the individual's needs.

People Mover's Travel Training program is built to scale to the individual's ability level, whatever it may be, to help navigate the bus system safely and effectively.

Call 907-343-6543 for more information, or press "Sign Up Here!" to register yourself or another in the program.

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