A group of people ice skating
Anchorage Parks and Recreation

Winter Ice and Trail Status

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Select a link below to jump to a specific section.

Lake Ice Status | ​ Ice Rink Status | Eagle River Lakes and Rinks | Ski Trails | Winter Recreati​on Map​

Winter in Anchorage is a special time ​​of year. Residents and visitors can enjoy a wide range of recreation opportunities on municipal parkland, including​ cross-country skiing, winter biking, ice skating, sledding, dog mushing, skijoring, snowshoeing, and walking. Explore current ice and trail conditions to see ​what to expect while you are out and about.

All maintenance is performed by Anchorage Parks and Recreation unless otherwise noted.​​

**Ice maintenance has been suspended for the 2023-2024 season**

Lake Ice Status​

Updated 3/21/24

​Ice Skating

Lake Ice Depth
Ice Condition
Cheney Lake
Maintenance has ended for the 2023-2024 season
Cuddy Family Midtown Park - Skating Pond
Maintenance has ended for the 2023-2024 season
Westchester Lagoon 
​​Maintenance has ended for the 2023-2024 season

Ice Fishing​

​​ Lake Ice Depth
Ice Condition
DeLong Lake
Ice fishing only. No skating rink, please use caution​.
Jewel Lake
Ice fishing only. No skating rink, please use caution

Ice Rink Status​​​​

Updated 3/21​​/24
For use permits go to www.muni.org/active.

Rink Ice Condition
Chanshtnu Muldoon Park - Skating Ribbon
Maintenance has ended for the 2023-2024 season
Cuddy Family Midtown Park - Skating Oval
Maintenance has ended for the 2023-2024 season
Maintained by Alpine Services 907-277-2050.
Delaney Hockey
Maintenance has ended for the 2023-2024 season
Delaney Figure Skating
Maintenance has ended for the 2023-2024 season
Bonnie Cusack Memorial Rinks
M​aintenance has ended for the 2023-2024 season
Maintained by Alpine Services 907-277-2050.
Tikishla - Scotty Gomez
Maintenance has ended for the 2023-2024 season​

Eagle River Lakes and Rinks​

Updated 3/11​/23

Lake Ice Depth
Ice Condition
Beach Lake
23​ in
Ice fishing only, no skating rink. Please use caution.
Edmonds Lake
Ice fishing only, no skating rink. Please use caution.
No mea​surement yet for the 2023-24 season
Fire Lake
21​ in
Ice fishing only, no skating rink. Please use caution.​
Mirror Lake
25​ in​
​Skating rink provided, but no ice maintenance. Please use caution. ​​​​

Anchorage Ski Trails​

Updated 3/​​18​/24​

Please ​use caution, bridges may be slippery when icy or wet. For more information about trails maintained by the Nordic Skiing Association (Far North Bicentennial, Hillside​, Kincaid, and Eagle River Beach Lake Trails) visit their website at www.anchoragenordicski.com.​

Trail Packed?
Track Set? 
Coastal Trail​

Campbell Creek - Lake Otis Blvd. to University Lake

Campbell Creek - West of the New Seward Hwy.​

Chester Creek - ​Goose Lake to Westchester Lagoon

Chester/Campbell Connector - Goose Lake to University Lake

Russian Jack Springs Park - North
Russian Jack Springs Park - South


​Contact Info

Park Maintenance​
Phone: 907-343-4554
