​Burn Permits

Burn Permits for Spruce Bark Beetle killed wood are no longer issued in the Municipality of Anchorage.  

Burning trash, yard debris, leaves, construction material and/or woody debris including Spruce Bark Beetle killed wood is prohibited in the Municipality of Anchorage. If you have materials to dispose of, you may take them to the closest open wood lot for disposal.

 A proposed recreational or ceremonial fire that exceeds 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height and is smaller than 6 feet in diameter may be eligible for a burn permit if it follows all of the safe burning standards.  

Burn permits require an inspec​tion.  

You must schedule an inspection at least two weeks prior to the event; permit and inspection fees apply.  

Please call Fire Prevention at 267-4901 to schedule or for more information.

Please remember that failure to follow these guidelines and restrictions may result in possible fines and/or legal action. You are responsible for your fire and y​ou are liable if it gets out of control.





​Related Links

Button Linking to Wood Lot Information ​Button Linking to Residential Fire Guidelines

Contact Us


(907) 267-4902
