Public Hearings Scheduled for the Special Assembly Meeting of November 3, 2017

Event Date

Start Time:
11/3/2017 12:00 PM

End Time:
11/3/2017 2:00 PM


City Hall
Mayor's Conference Room #830
632 W. 6th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501



The Assembly of the Municipality of Anchorage will hold a public hearing on the following legislation at its Special Meeting of November 3, 2017.  The public hearing begins at 12:00 p.m. and will be held in the Mayor’s Conference Room-Suite #830 at City Hall, 632 West 6th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska: 

Ordinance No. AO 2017-133, an ordinance of the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska, authorizing a ground lease for certain real property of the Municipality of Anchorage; authorizing a Facility Lease and Trust Agreement and approving a plan in which a trustee will execute and deliver Certificates of Participation in lease payments to be made by the Municipality for the purpose of financing certain pension liabilities of the Municipality; and delegating to the Chief Fiscal Officer approval of final lease rates and terms of said Certificates of Participation, Finance Department/Public Finance. 

The above-referenced document is available for examination at the Municipal Clerk's Office, City Hall, 632 W. 6th Avenue, Room 250, Anchorage, Alaska. 

Persons wishing to provide oral comments on the described matters may do so at this meeting or may provide written comments.  Written comments should be sent to the Anchorage Assembly in c/o Barbara A. Jones, Municipal Clerk, P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650, FAX (907) 343-4313, or  

Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids, services, or special modifications to participate should contact the Municipal Clerk’s Office by telephone at 343-4311; fax at 343-4313; or e-mail to request reasonable accommodations. 

View all Municipality of Anchorage public notifications on the Municipal website:  

/s/ Barbara A. Jones

Municipal Clerk 

Notice Begins: October 30, 2017

Notice Ends: November 4, 2017