Anchorage Parks and Recreation

Comments Policy

Comments Policy

 Comment Purpose

 We want to hear about issues which are important to you. Your comments will be used to help shape the development and outcome of the project.   Each comment received is reviewed by project team members and becomes part of the project’s official public record. For your comment to be of value to the project team, please be sure it contains ideas, suggestions, recommendations or experiences that relate to the outcome of this project. Your comment is not a ballot. The project team is not soliciting comments as a means to measure the degree of support for the project.

 Timeliness of Reporting Comments on the WebSite

 The website is not set up to instantaneously post incoming messages. Messages are reviewed to ensure that they comply with the Comment Acceptance Policy. The comment is then analyzed and categorized for inclusion in the website comment summary. This process may take up to a week to complete. This summary groups comments by topic to facilitate an assessment of the issues raised. Full comments are reviewed by the project team and retained as part of the official public record.

 Comment Acceptance Policy

 We welcome all comments and questions about the project. The best way to ensure your comment is received, logged, and posted is to email a project team member or submit your comment through the comments page of this website. Unless you tell us not to, we will post your comment on the website. If you request a reply and have included your contact information, you should get a response within a week. Comments not related to project issues, made anonymously, written by someone different from the sender, or those that contain rude or slanderous language will not be posted on the website.

 Privacy Policy

In order for your comment to be posted on the project website, you must include personal identifiers with your message; no anonymous comments will be accepted. Information such as your phone number, email or address will not be published with your comment message when it is posted on the website. However, the full comment, with personal identifiers, is part of the official project record and is subject to the freedom of information requests made by members of the media or general public. 

 The only information about you that is automatically collected from comments submitted through the website is the name of the domain from which you access the Internet (,, etc.), the date and time you access our site, and the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site. This information does not contain any personal identifiers.