2018 Sunset Audits


2018-S1  Americans With Disabilities Act Advisory Commission;
                Department of Health and Human Services; 08/10/18; (4.1 mb)

2018-S2  Municipal Health and Human Services Commission;
                Department of Health and Human Services; 08/10/18; (3.2 mb)

2018-S3  Senior Citizens Advisory Commission;
                Department of Health and Human Services; 08/10/18; (3.0 mb)

2018-S4  Heritage Land Bank Advisory Commission;
                Real Estate Department; 08/10/18; (2.9 mb)

2018-S5  Municipal Airports Aviation Advisory Commission;
                Merrill Field Airport; 08/10/18; (3.0 mb)

2018-S6  Port Commission; Port of Alaska; 08/10/18; (2.8 mb)

2018-S7  Library Advisory Board; Anchorage Public Library; 08/10/18; (2.7 mb)

2018-S8  Public Transit Advisory Board;
                Public Transportation Department; 08/10/18; (3.0 mb)

2018-S9  Board of Building Regulation Examiners and Appeals;
                Development Services Department; 08/10/18; (3.3 mb)

2018-S10  Youth Advisory Commission; Office of the Mayor; 08/14/18;  (3.2 mb)