R-4 Multifamily Residential District

The R-4 district is a multifamily medium to high density residential district. It is intended primarily for multifamily and multi-story residential buildings, but also allows single-family, duplex, and townhouse residential development. For multi-story buildings, the maximum size of buildings and intensity of use is regulated by floor area ratio (FAR) and other site development standards.  Multi-story development is intended to be applied in areas well served by transit and/or arterial streets, and by supportive commercial services near the major commercial and employment centers in downtown and midtown. Although some commercial development is allowed within a residential development, the district is intended to be primarily residential.  For multi-story buildings, development is intended to be oriented to the sidewalk with windows, entrances, and walkways to provide strong pedestrian connections to nearby services.

See AMC 21.04 for District-Specific Standards.

Minimum lot area Dwelling, single-family attached: 3,000 square feet
Dwelling, townhouse: 2,000 square feet
All other uses: 6,000 square feet
Minimum lot width

Dwelling, single-family attached: 35 feet (40 on corner lots)

Dwelling, townhouse: 20 feet (30 on corner lots

All other uses: 50 feet
Front setback

Dwelling, single family, attached or detached: 20 feet

All other uses: 10 feet

Side setback

Dwelling, single family attached or townhouse: N/A on common lot line; otherwise 5 feet

Dwelling, single family detached: 5 feet

All other uses: 5 feet plus 1 additional foot for each 5 feet of building height over 35 feet

Rear setback 10 feet
Maximum height of structures

Dwelling, single family attached or detached: 35 feet

Dwelling, townhouse: 35 feet

All other uses: 45 feet

Maximum lot coverage

Dwelling, single family attached or detached: 40%

All other uses: 60%

Driveway surface Paved

If you use the online version of the code (under "External Links), try searching on "21.06.020" for more information.  Please note that recent amendments may not have been published yet.  Land Use Enforcement will be happy to verify the current code language for you.