Mayor issues statement about the Municipality’s transition to Phase 3


Mayor's Corner


ANCHORAGE — Today, Mayor Ethan Berkowitz issued the following statement regarding the Municipality's timeline to open businesses:

We make decisions on whether to advance to the next phase of reopening by evaluating the health metrics identified in the Roadmap to Reopening plan. If these metrics remain steady or show improvement by the end of the week, we anticipate being able to move forward to Phase 3: “Maintenance," starting next week. Emergency Order EO-09 will remain in effect until modified.

As the Governor directly acknowledged, local communities are permitted to have stricter health restrictions tailored to their specific needs. Phase 3 requirements allow businesses to operate with fewer restrictions, and with the expectation to follow updated criteria for physical distancing and proper hygiene. Keeping these rules in place will give consumers more confidence that reopening is happening safely.

Our strategy is “slow and steady". It has been successful, and we're sticking with that strategy because it has kept people safe.


More information will be available at the next community briefing on Friday, May 22 at noon.

Media contact: Carolyn Hall, Communications Director, Office of the Mayor, (907) 310-0753,