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8 employees honored picture Today, we honored 8 employees who have a combined total of 95 YEARS of experience working for DHHS. Thanks for your commitment to outstanding public service, Michael, Lynette, Karla, Diana, Mark and Lynda (not pictured, James & Debbie)!
Follow DHHS on Facebook and Twitter.
Employee Spotlight Picture

Mariah Thomas is the Accounts Payable employee for Solid Waste Services. Employed with the Municipality since July 2014, she started her career at ML&P in the Customer Service Division. Mariah ensures Solid Waste Services pays vendors and reconciles p-card transactions in a timely manner.

Mariah also helped coordinate the annual SWS employee charity chili cook-off. The chili cook-off raises funds for the Children's Hospital at Providence.

Want to nominate an MOA employee? Email morseep@muni.org


In Anchorage, we run, we bike, we ski, we walk, and we skate. We do many of these activities on a parks and trails system that is the envy of the world. The upkeep and enhancement of our parks and trails system; from a trail restoration on Campbell Creek to new lighting at Town Square Park, strengthens the fabric of our community and improves our basic quality of life.

Promoting health and fitness for all includes playground equipment for children and reliable bridges on popular trails. These are all projects on the parks and trails bond featured in the April 5th election.

You can vote early today, or cast your ballot on April 5. Community investment always works best with consensus - so whatever you decide to support, please get out and vote.

April Calendar 4/1 First Friday downtown
4/5 Municipal Election Day
4/9 Anchorage Youth Summit
4/15 Municipal Employee of the Year Awards Banquet
4/26 Assembly Meeting
4/29 - 30 Alaska Mission of Mercy

New initiative aims to reduce Anchorage traffic deaths

Passage of transportation bond on April 5 would transform Spenard
(Anchorage Press)

Students spend spring break with Anchorage Police

Mayor Berkowitz Volunteers for AmeriCorps Week of Service

Mayor Berkowitz discusses revenue sharing bills introduces by Legislature

APD and AFD badges

Create a wildfire action plan this spring to prepare your household. The Ready, Set, Go Program is designed to help you and your family prepare for a wildfire in your neighborhood. Take an evening to sit down and discuss your plan as a family. Next, roll up your sleeves and prepare your home's defensible space, your evacuation plan and a "go bag" for each family member. Watch the short "Ready, Set, Go" video for more ideas: http://bit.ly/1GoZ6PI

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QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? CONCERNS? Email Icon MAYOR@MUNI.ORG Telephone Icon 907-343-7100
Paid for by the Municipality of Anchorage 632 W 6th Ave Suite 840 Anchorage, Alaska 99501