This Monday - Logic & Accuracy Testing of Municipal Election Tabulation Equipment


​​Logic and Accuracy Testing (LAT) of the municipal election tabulation equipment will be conducted at the MOA Election Center, 619 E. Ship Creek Avenue, Door D, on Monday, April 29th, beginning at 10:00 a.m. The public is invited to attend and witness.

Logic and Accuracy Testing is performed before every election to certify the accuracy of our tabulation equipment as one measure to ensure election integrity. The Election Commission members, Lisa Torkelson, Mead Treadwell, Loren Leman, and Katie Nolan have been invited to assist the Elections Team in this test.

Please contact the Voter Hotline at 907-243-VOTE (8683) for more information or questions about Logic and Accuracy Testing or the May 14, 2024 Mayoral Runoff Election.



​William Northrop | Acting Election Administrator
907-243-VOTE (8683)